Best Refresh Rate (Hz) for Gaming: How Many Frames You Need

If you are purchasing a new custom gaming desktop, you may be looking for a new monitor as well. With so many advancements in screen technology, there are endless components to consider when choosing the right monitor for your computer. The refresh rate is one of the most important factors to take into consideration when purchasing a gaming monitor. The most common rates include 60Hz, 120Hz, 144Hz, and 240Hz.
This article outlines the best refresh rate for gaming on PC, what affects you framerate, and what we recommend at the minimum.
What is Refresh Rate (Hz)?
The refresh rate is how long it takes for your monitor to draw a new image. Video is essentially a series of still pictures, displayed rapidly in series to create motion. Refresh rate is measured in hertz, or the number of times the image refreshes. For example, if your monitor has a refresh rate of 120Hz, the display is being refreshed 120 times per second. The higher the refresh rate the more images per second get displayed on screen. For fast-moving content such as first person shooters or racing games, you will want higher refresh rates.
Factors Affected by Refresh Rate (Hz)
While you’re playing a game or watching a video, the refresh rate affects how smooth the image appears. Modern gaming computers are capable of outputting high frame rates, so having a monitor that is capable of keeping up with the refresh rate provides the best motion quality. Games that require quick input (competitive fps) benefit greatly from a higher refresh rate, providing players with an advantage of seeing double to quadruple as many frames over a standard 60hz monitor.
How Refresh Rate Affects Motion Resolution
Motion Resolution is how smooth a moving picture appears on the screen during playback. When you have a higher refresh rate you have the ability of seeing more information on screen in a second, leading to a higher degree of motion resolution. This allows you to take full advantage of modern gaming PC’s often outputting high frames per second and resolutions.
Screen Tearing & Refresh Rate
A common issue prevalent in using monitors with a lower than necessary refresh rate is screen tearing. Screen tearing happens when the graphics chip on your computer sends a higher number of frames per second than your monitor is capable of keeping up with. This causes your screen to show multiple images on your display which become misaligned. Some games cap you at 60 frames per second if you are running a lower refresh rate monitor in order to reduce or eliminate screen tearing.
Refresh Rate Affects Input Response
Reducing input lag is critical when it comes to competitive gaming with quick input. Having the highest possible refresh rate allows you to see more data on screen sooner and make decisions milliseconds sooner than your opponent. Reducing the amount of time between seeing something occur on screen and making your next move can make all the difference, so utilizing a high refresh rate monitor can be critical.
Recommended Refresh Rate for Gaming
There are several monitor refresh rates on the market, the most common of which being: 60Hz, 120Hz, 144Hz, and 240Hz . Although a 60Hz monitor will work for gameplay, anything less than a 120 Hz refresh rate can cause motion blur when gaming. If the content you are watching is fast-paced then we recommend a higher refresh rate. You do not need to have a 144Hz or 240Hz refresh rate, as they are often only slightly improved and don’t make much of a difference. We recommend 120Hz refresh rate as the optimal amount for a gaming monitor.
Make Sure Your Monitor Keeps Up With Your PC’s Refresh Rate
Before you check out, be sure to visit the peripherals page and choose an ASUS monitor to go with your new Apex Gaming PC. We carry a wide range of monitors with refresh rates ranging from 120Hz to 360Hz. The ASUS TUF VG27AQ is an excellent choice with 1440p and 165Hz, ensuring a smooth gaming experience.
Written Byy Ginni Correa
Edited by Will Wilson
Edited: 5/10/23
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